It’s hard to believe today is the first day of September and like most, we find the start of the upcoming school year and those first falling leaves as a sign that the seasons are changing and we are all about the shift this year!
Although some may not agree, I am so grateful that we get to experience four full seasons of transformative weather where we are. What I love so much is this also marks transitions in our mood, marks certain holidays in a very special way and even influences our cuisine. For all of these reasons, and call me biased because of my October birthday, but I am looking forward to cozy sweaters, layering on all of the blankets, gathering with family and friends over warm homemade meals, warm moody colours and that crisp fresh air that autumn brings.
It could be a hazard of the job, but it’s no big surprise that these things have also started us thinking about bringing this feeling into our homes to create a cozy environment to hunker down in during the cold months ahead. To help you get prepared we’re sharing some of our favourite tips to get Fall ready and a few things we are loving right now.
Tip 1: Think about swapping lighter linens for heavier ones with cozy textures, like wool knits and super soft fleece
Tip 2: Bring the outdoors in with fresh or faux stems that bring the colours of the season inside
Tip 3: Scent is everything! Bring spicy and earthy scents indoors to help mark the shift and create an inviting and uplifting mood throughout your home.
Tip 4: If you love cooking, invite family or friends over and enjoy one those belly warming meals and seasonal baked treats.